With the series “Fux concertato”, performance material for selected works is freely available online. The performance materials for the solo motet “Ave Regina” K 208 have just been published.
The data is stored on the repository epub.oeaw.ac.at (https://doi.org/10.1553/fux_concertato) and thus permanently archived. The files can be referenced by using DOI. The parts are also available on imslp.org.
The Fux team is very interested in the dissemination of Fux’s compositions for concert performance. If you are interested in performance materials for works that have not yet been edited, please contact us. We are also grateful for any indication of possible errors or problems in the material. For the news announced on Fux-online we also appreciate information about performances for which the material is used.
The publication of the practical series is funded by the City of Vienna (Kulturabteilungen der Stadt Wien - MA 7).
Fux concertato no. 1: Plaudite, sonat tuba (K 165), solo motet.
Fux concertato no. 2: Ave Regina (K 208), solo motet.
Fux concertato no. 3: Laetare turba (E 80), solo motet.
Fux concertato no. 4: Julo Ascanio (FuxWV II.2.6 / K 204), Poemetto drammatico.
Fux concertato no. 5: Missa Sti. Joannis Nepomucensis (K 34a).
Fux concertato no. 6: Dafne in Lauro (FuxWV II.2.11), Componimento per camera [publication in preparation].
Fux concertato no. 7: Triopartita FuxWV III.3.9 (K 324) [publication in preparation]
Fux concertato no. 8: Missa Corporis Christi K 10
Fux concertato no. 9: Gesù Cristo negato da Pietro FuxWV II.1.9 (K 297), Oratorio per il Santissimo Sepolcro [publication in preparation]
Fux concertato Nr. 10: Gli Ossequi della notte FuxWV II.2.9 (K 205) [publication in preparation]
Parts for K 319–329, K 331, E 64 (Johann Joseph Fux, Sämtliche Werke, Bd. VI/2), edited by Guido Erdmann und Daniela Seiler, Graz: ADEVA 2012.
Parts for K 344–348 (authorized works), K 343, K 349, K 350 (posthumously attributed works) (Johann Joseph Fux, Sämtliche Werke, Bd. VI/6), edited by Guido Erdmann, Graz: ADEVA 2014.